Inner Territory and Body Meditation for Release

This was a VERY different type of meditation than what we normally do and centered pretty heavily on the pathways of the vagus nerve. We used kundalini energy and some very gentle yin yoga to deepen the connection to our physical bodies (you do maybe 5 poses). Use this one if you're working on tenderly forgiving your body for the way it has responded in moments of distress. We will never revisit actual traumatic memories. I'm not qualified to lead you through that and I don't personally approach healing that way anyway. Instead, sometimes we take time to find love and compassion for our natural reactions.

I love you. My hands are at your back. These are all middle paths back to yourself.

Stephanie Greene

Stephanie is the owner of Local Collective which includes MVC. She is an author, a single mom, an Albany local, and a lifelong believer in the power of community.


Cord Cutting: Life Raft


Self Reclamation: Soul Medicine