Cord Cutting: Life Raft

My favorite part of every single cord cutting is the part we don't record. The time we spend together afterwards being witnessed and listening to where your unique energy bodies have carried you. Thank you for holding that lovely, tender space together - and if you ever choose the option to just log off and process on your own, know that my hands stay at your back even then. It is an endless honor to be invited into your inner territories in this way.

This session was so powerful, so deep, so clear, so precise. Rather than cutting the cords this time, we untied the rope, tossed it into the water, watched it float away, watched that person/that connection float over the horizon. You can use this recording as many times as you need to - some said they need more time in this water. It's here, it's yours.

Reminder: go gently with yourself this weekend. Give yourself the compassion and tenderness needed to recalibrate without the weight of that rope tethering you anymore. Go wilder.




Inner Territory and Body Meditation for Release