Cord Cutting with Stephanie Greene was so good. It was real. I was able to imagine vivid images while she spoke, my eyes exploding with tears, my body warm from the salty bath my soul sat in in my mind- I was able to cut a cord between me and My Not Forever Love, someone I finally got to witness leave my energy space. Her hand was on the small of my back, I’ve never met her physically but she was really there holding space for all of us just like she says she will be. The hole left in my abdomen was huge, the seed I planted that day in place of the cord, was small. Today I feel the changes still, the growth taking place inside of me still happening and it’s lush and green and beautiful. I’m so grateful. It’s an energy upgrade, the level up. It more than I could’ve ever expected. Thank you, Stephanie Greene!
— Ali


love letters from the desert dwelling queer single mama deconstructed writer life