About the community:
Wild Soul is a village of repair, of third way, of powerful inner territory journeying, and of archetypal study. Our collective work is centered around shedding patriarchy, decolonizing, and deconstructing the traditions and beliefs we have inherited so we can live fuller, softer, more robust, and expansive lives.
Must be 18 and a woman, trans man, or nonbinary to join. This is not currently a space available to straight, cis men due to the vulnerable nature of our community.
What you can expect:
We gather online multiple times a month. Find our current class descriptions HERE!
Every circle in Wild Soul has a full library of past classes and meditations. You'll find powerful self-healing options, ongoing deepening of spiritual practices, and a wide range of archetypal classes. Explore from Inanna to Jezebel to La Loba and beyond.
This is an inclusive space where LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC identities are celebrated and not debated. It is so important to us to hold a space where people do not need to defend, justify, or argue for their seat at the family table. Everyone belongs, but all weapons are left in the yard. If you are currently dismantling your faith or worldview, you are welcome here. Please know that the energy of this online home is one that radiates peace and boundaries, so if you're not ready to leave your weapons in the yard (sometimes we're just not), we'll be here when you are.
Unlimited access to monthly classes, guided Inner Territory journeys, and community tarot and oracle gatherings (both live and recorded)!
All the same access and benefits of the Wild Soul membership, but with a discount for those who need it. We do not require a justification for why the discount is needed. We trust our community to pay more when they can and to pay less when needed. We especially encourage trans, nonbinary, and BIPOC members to choose this option. We especially encourage trans, nonbinary, and BIPOC members to choose this option.
Hear From Some of Our Members
"My introduction to Stephanie was through a cord cutting done in another beautiful wild woman space. It was one of my first experiences with energy work. I felt so safe and supported from beginning to end. I’ve done several cord cuttings since and they have each been such unique, potent experiences. I am especially grateful for the space we share afterward, where we share our experience if we feel comfortable. Witnessing each other while we make the brave decision to honor ourselves is holy. The Red Road space was a major reason why I joined Wild Soul. I had taken the Eve class and was blown away. It seems that each class gives me back something that was stolen straight from my own home, my own body. Stephanie very obviously pours her heart into every class in order to give us the deepest, widest perspective possible. It is always reiterated to us that we take what we need from these calls and leave what we need to. We are simply asked to consider. Coming from environments where swallowing information as truth and being shamed for asking questions, this is a huge relief for my nervous system. I love that the membership means that I have access to older recordings as well. There are a few subjects that I knew I wasn’t ready to dive into yet and I was able to approach that on my own time. Overall really grateful for a space to unpack and rebuild among people doing the same. The Wild Soul community has been a safe space for me to unfold and find my wild. I have had so many aha-moments in this container. Moments where I pivoted in a major way internally, made a crucial connection or let go in a major way. And I’ve truly felt the hands of Stephanie and every soul in the group at my back. I feel so comfortable with my humanness, my questions, my rainforest heart with these people."
"It’s hard to put words to the experiences I’ve had in and through Wild Soul. The guided meditations I’ve done with Steph have changed my life - truly. I’ve reclaimed parts of myself and healed deep, old wounds. I’ve cut cords to relationships that I’ve spent years trying to break free from. I’ve found my voice. And I’ve found a community of people who have had their hands at my back through it all. It’s usually hard for me to commit to and find time for classes and workshops, not to mention trying to keep up with posts and prompts, but I make time for Wild Soul. I block my schedule when we have mid-week gatherings, I clear my schedule for our deconstruction classes (oh my god are these incredible - I’ve learned SO MUCH), and I try to at least every other day catch up with what others are sharing. It’s a priority in my life because it’s that impactful and important. I’m so incredibly grateful for this container and community."
“I struggle to settle my rabbit-hole brain when doing energy work or visual meditations, usually. Stephanie subtly and intricately held her hand at my back as she gently guided me deep into parts of myself I’d lost site of. She brings a grounded, authentic, and loving presence to a deep healing process that could be sticky on your own. You are always the boss of you, she just illuminates some the terrain you already have inside you and gently walks beside you while you take in and release the energies that need to be moved. I found vast deserts and mossy forests inside myself - and grace, release, acceptance, self-love, repair . Stephanie wove the container, loosely, in which we were able to do this work. Grateful. ❤️
“Wild Soul has been a great addition to my life. The deconstruction classes have allowed me opportunity to explore questions and topics that have been closed off in my faith journey so far. Stephanie is very clear. She is not here to hand out answers, rather create a space to explore together, ask better questions, even come to different conclusions from each other. Another facet of Wild Soul is the guided meditations. They ALWAYS begin with a question of energetic consent. From there Stephanie uses vivid language to guide us through our inner landscapes. We explore deep emotional connections to self and others. Any experience is valid and you are always the boss of you. This freedom creates a safe environment for everyone.”
“My cord cutting experience with Stephanie was supportive and embodied. I appreciated her safe language and somatic presence even over zoom. Trauma sensitive energy work is truly the best practice and I am grateful to have connected with Stephanie.”