Cord Cutting: Their Healing Is Not Your Healing

*For the use of members of Energy Work in Wild Soul

Cord Cutting: Their Healing Is Not Your Healing (January 20, 2021). In this guided meditation we travel back into your own inner territory to sever a cord that has been waiting to be cut. This time with someone who the connection has been tainted by the need to perform or compete in order to be loved. After this meditation most people said that facing the other person and saying, "your healing is not my healing" was one of the most impactful parts. So come float downriver, friends. Cut the cord when you're ready to and take back your own good energy.

Stephanie Greene

Stephanie is the owner of Local Collective which includes MVC. She is an author, a single mom, an Albany local, and a lifelong believer in the power of community.


Cord Cutting: Desert