The Erotic + The Great Goddess

We've spent a year pulling slivers of patriarchy out of our thought processes, our lives, our spirituality - and now we're going to lean into the well of The Great Goddess' power itself: The Erotic. We'll explore different myths, archetypes, and stories that give us the framework for our own struggle with oppressive patriarchy. We'll scoop up the soil-heavy roots of a divine energy that was always meant to be elevated rather than demonized and we'll see what happens when we plant ourselves inside the storytelling of The Great Goddess again. 

As always, this is not a gender exclusive class. We aren't simplifying The Erotic or The Great Goddess to just cisgender women (how narrow). We're swimming deep into the World Womb and finding a fluid realm of humanity fully alive in the invigorating magic of The Holy Erotic. 

Stephanie Greene

Stephanie is the owner of Local Collective which includes MVC. She is an author, a single mom, an Albany local, and a lifelong believer in the power of community.


The Great Goddess Hall: Hekate led by Amanda Dzimianski


Descent, Initiation, and Transformation