Persephone is a story of initiation, of descent, of longing, of love, of loss, of decay, of transformation, of integration, of transmutation, of alchemy, and of rebirth. She is a story of Inanna and Ereshkigal, of Jesus, of all of us.
Christian mysticism calls it a Dark Night of the Soul, the ancients call it The Descent. Whatever we choose to call it, this class dives into the process of descending down into our souls over months or years or decades, losing identities along the way, shedding, wandering in the dark, and then facing what we find in our darkest depths. Transformation never leaves us there, instead we discover the sounds of others sitting with their backs against the door so we aren't alone, holding the chasm open at the top so we have light to lead us out, lamenting with us. And then, you wildhearted god, you ascend.
This is a class of comparative myth, but it's more than that. This is a class of community hands-at-your-back.