On Behalf of Gomer: Believe Women
We hear Gomer's story in the biblical book of Hosea and over time she's become as debased as Jezebel. Her husband Hosea was a prophet of the male deity, a revered man who is commonly thought to represent God Themselves. His telling of the story has gone on to inspire books like Redeeming Love and sermons about "healthy love". But I read the story and find an abusive man, a violent mirror of patriarchy.
I want to bring Gomer home. I want to give her back her dignity. I want to dismantle the story told without her input on behalf of all of us and I want to raise her name like a banner. Gomer was a priestess. She was a survivor. So let's tell her story stripped of misogyny and maybe we'll find new ways to do the same with our own stories.