What other Wild Ones have to say about the work we do together…


“Wild Soul has been a great addition to my life. The Red Road classes have allowed me opportunity to explore questions and topics that have been closed off in my faith journey so far. Stephanie is very clear. She is not here to hand out answers, rather create a space to explore together, ask better questions, even come to different conclusions from each other.

Another facet of Wild Soul is the guided meditations. They ALWAYS begin with a question of energetic consent. From there Stephanie uses vivid language to guide us through our inner landscapes. We explore deep emotional connections to self and others. Any experience is valid and you are always the boss of you. This freedom creates a safe environment for everyone.”


Let me start by saying that deep within me the tides are turning. To others it may look like I am a new person but really I am just so much closer to the true core of myself.

Cord cuttings have allowed me to make room deep within myself for what is flourishing there and have pulled back precious energy that I need for this good, good work. The Self-Reclamations have been fascinating. Before joining Wild Soul I was unaware of all that my inner territory had to offer. There is so much inside me that is waiting to be explored, untangled, pulled out of the shadows and loved. Both the cord cuttings and self-reclamations are always intensely impactful while somehow being so gentle. I know this is because of Stephanie’s soft but firm guiding hands at our backs. She is so masterful at taking us where we need to go while never leaving us there alone. A true guiding light.

The family dinners, Red Road classes, and bonus gatherings are magical. Never have I been in a space where I have access to such knowledgeable humans on such important topics. And the community being built inside this space? I feel like I have truly found my people. Everyone is so welcoming, supportive and excited to share and witness as we all walk this path together.

I have never grown so much in such a short period of time. Every class, etc that I attend has made clear to me how much I have to offer and how far I have to go. Though the work is hard, I am delighted to be diligently dedicated to tending to my own Wild Soul for the first time in my life and I have Stephanie Greene to thank for that.


My introduction to Stephanie was through a cord cutting done in another beautiful wild woman space. It was one of my first experiences with energy work. I felt so safe and supported from beginning to end. I’ve done several cord cuttings since and they have each been such unique, potent experiences. I am especially grateful for the space we share afterward, where we share our experience if we feel comfortable. Witnessing each other while we make the brave decision to honor ourselves is holy.

The Red Road space was a major reason why I joined Wild Soul. I had taken the Eve class and was blown away. It seems that each class gives me back something that was stolen straight from my own home, my own body. Stephanie very obviously pours her heart into every class in order to give us the deepest, widest perspective possible. It is always reiterated to us that we take what we need from these calls and leave what we need to. We are simply asked to consider. Coming from environments where swallowing information as truth and being shamed for asking questions, this is a huge relief for my nervous system. I love that the membership means that I have access to older recordings as well. There are a few subjects that I knew I wasn’t ready to dive into yet and I was able to approach that on my own time. Overall really grateful for a space to unpack and rebuild among people doing the same.

The Wild Soul community has been a safe space for me to unfold and find my wild. I have had so many aha-moments in this container. Moments where I pivoted in a major way internally, made a crucial connection or let go in a major way. And I’ve truly felt the hands of Stephanie and every soul in the group at my back. I feel so comfortable with my humanness, my questions, my rainforest heart with these people.


It’s hard to put words to the experiences I’ve had in and through Wild Soul. The guided meditations I’ve done with Steph have changed my life - truly. I’ve reclaimed parts of myself and healed deep, old wounds. I’ve cut cords to relationships that I’ve spent years trying to break free from. I’ve found my voice. And I’ve found a community of people who have had their hands at my back through it all. It’s usually hard for me to commit to and find time for classes and workshops, not to mention trying to keep up with posts and prompts, but I make time for Wild Soul. I block my schedule when we have mid-week gatherings, I clear my schedule for our deconstruction classes (oh my god are these incredible - I’ve learned SO MUCH), and I try to at least every other day catch up with what others are sharing. It’s a priority in my life because it’s that impactful and important. I’m so incredibly grateful for this container and community.


In a world that is still trying to pitch good against evil, black against white, right(eous) against wrong, it is the most calming and healing thing to find a community of similarly open-minded people to just BE WITH. To learn from. To share with. To hold and to be held by. In a world that is trying to vilify all "otherness" (ugh, how I hate this word), it is an act of open rebellion to come together in our "otherness". Wild Soul is just that. An outright healing rebellion. A safe space. A emotional wilderness of shadows explored and wounds mended. An inspiration to keep going. A thing I hope to one day have the balls to create my unique version of. Thank you, Stephanie & every single wild soul in this community, for bringing such vulnerable wisdom into this divided world! ✨


Cord Cutting with Stephanie Greene was so good. It was real. I was able to imagine vivid images while she spoke, my eyes exploding with tears, my body warm from the salty bath my soul sat in in my mind- I was able to cut a cord between me and My Not Forever Love, someone I finally got to witness leave my energy space. Her hand was on the small of my back, I’ve never met her physically but she was really there holding space for all of us just like she says she will be. The hole left in my abdomen was huge, the seed I planted that day in place of the cord, was small. Today I feel the changes still, the growth taking place inside of me still happening and it’s lush and green and beautiful. I’m so grateful. It’s an energy upgrade, the level up. It more than I could’ve ever expected. Thank you, Stephanie Greene!


So, I’m only halfway through Eve and the Serpent but I have to tell you how much I absolutely love the way you have broken everything down and the way you present it all. There is so much soul knowing that is wrapped up in it for me and every word seems to be a reassurance. So so so grateful for you.


I attended a cord cutting with Stephanie Greene and it was impactful and powerful. I knew it was time to cut a particular cord with somebody in my life and I experienced immediate success. She told us not to be surprised if the person we cut cords with reached out to us because they would feel the cord cutting. Ten minutes after cutting the cord I had a profound experience where that person contacted me bringing me face to face with the EXACT same energy I had intended to cut off. We were still on the call and I was lucky enough to get to share that experience with the container. I was doubting myself and the universe sent me a very obvious sign when this person contacted me. This was such a beautiful and evenly matched energy exchange. It was a beautiful offering. I cried for a day afterward realizing how I have been using my own energy and then I forgave myself. I really feel ready to move on in the most authentic and loving way.


I struggle to settle my rabbit-hole brain when doing energy work or visual meditations, usually. Stephanie subtly and intricately held her hand at my back as she gently guided me deep into parts of myself I’d lost site of. She brings a grounded, authentic, and loving presence to a deep healing process that could be sticky on your own. You are always the boss of you, she just illuminates some the terrain you already have inside you and gently walks beside you while you take in and release the energies that need to be moved. I found vast deserts and mossy forests inside myself - and grace, release, acceptance, self-love, repair . Stephanie wove the container, loosely, in which we were able to do this work. Grateful. ❤️


My cord cutting experience with Stephanie was supportive and embodied. I appreciated her safe language and somatic presence even over zoom. Trauma sensitive energy work is truly the best practice and I am grateful to have connected with Stephanie.


I was very nervous about even the idea of doing energy work because I have been in some very unsafe emotional spaces. Stephanie patiently addressed my concern and told me I could always leave/stop/take a break. What ever I needed. The experience was difficult but safe. After the cord cutting she offered additional insight regarding the the person I cut the cord with. It helped me understand he was merely a representative of a much bigger issue. She is safe and knowledgeable. And I will definitely be doing other energy work with her.


My experience during the self-reclamation meditation Stephanie held was transformative, to say the least. She created the most supportive and safe space for everyone. It felt so easy to drop into such an emotionally and spiritually challenging space. I was completely broken open, able to meet a version of myself I have been trying to reach for so long, in such a vulnerable and truthful way. I was able to truly see myself, now and then, and merge the two with so much love. Forgive myself for ever leaving her behind at all. And the entire time, Stephanie’s loving, gentle presence never wavered, not once. She’s a true healer and I’m grateful to have been guided through this journey by her.


After the last cord cutting session, I left feeling lighter. In the days after, I noticed this empty hole in me - in the place the cord had resided for many years. It was like walking into your attic expecting the cobwebs to be there, expecting your old clutter, although messy, provided the comfort of sameness and familiarity. But then it was gone. It was an empty space, hollow and barren and neutral. My short trip away came at the perfect time. It gave me the time to redefine the space. It’s my space now. I can do whatever I need/want to it that now serves me. Fuck yeah!


I’m literally only 10mins into the Deconstructing Eve replay and I’m loving it. I absolutely love your opening approach to this and how nothing is assumed. I struggle to listen to discussions around religious history or ideas cos the LANGUAGE is so cultish and just makes me feel ick. This isn’t ick though, this is so good.”
