Family Dinners

Hello friend! Thank you for being willing to share part of your story and your good heart with us. It means EVERYTHING to me that you are willing to spread some love and solidarity and affirmation and vulnerability into this community of divinely queer people and allies. I especially want to make sure we honor you as a person by only talking about things you’re ready for (because I know some of you very well and would never want to unintentionally expose something you’re not public with yet). I am also committed to the sacredness of pronouns and identity, so I want to know that I know that I know we’re honoring you in this experience. So fill out this form as best you can and choose your dates in order of preference!

Available dates/times:

July 29th @5pm AZ + PST/6pm MST/7pm Central/8pm EST

August 12th @5pm AZ + PST/6pm MST/7pm Central/8pm EST

August 26th @5pm AZ + PST/6pm MST/7pm Central/8pm EST